Atident is a first class allograft with absolute safety, produced in Turkey with the donation of femoral heads obtained after hip arthroplasty by Turkish living donors, using the LYOPHILIZATION  method, which is the most technological and advanced production level at world standards.

Where and under what conditions is ATIDENT produced?

Atident is located in Karadeniz Technical University Technopolis, operating in a closed area of 3.500 m², by competent scientists who are experts in their fields, with CMP quality standards,  It is produced under official and independent inspection conditions approved by the Republic Of  Turkey  Ministry of Health.


applied case


physician using

İmplant Graft

Atident Allografts are bone fragments processed with special techniques and medical processes to be transplanted from one person to another. Atident Allografts are a premium medical product in the form of “cubes” and “chips” It is used for dental purposes in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery  and Regenerative Periodontal surgery cases. It is a superior biotechnological product that can be used to create bone tissue in cases where it is not possible to use autogenous bone.

The femoral heads removed after Orthopedic Arthroplasty operations are collected with the approval and permission of the Ministry of Health. These collected tissues are subjected to serological tests according to the standards set by the European Union. The femoral heads, which have been tested and suitable for production, are now ready to be processed in Atigen-Cell laboratories laboratuvarları


Mechanical and Chemical Processes

As a first step, the femoral heads which have suitable features according to the test results, are separated from the upper cartilage tissue. The main production tissue, cancellous is brought to the desired dimensions by mechanical cutting and the chemical washing phase is started. In this phase, washing is done with specially formulated combined chemical agents. The high-level liquid sterilization process of the safe tissue and the separation phase from the fat are completed.


Lyophilization (Freeze Drying)

After the liquid sterilization process, the granulation phase begins. Bone tissues are brought to the desired dimensions by mechanical processes. After it becomes a granule, it is passed to the lyophilization phase. The lyophilization phase is carried out flawlessly with superior technology and long years of knowledge. Lyophilized materials reach very safe and long-lasting storage conditions at the end of the process. After lyophilization , all risk factors between the molecular structure are eliminated. In this way, “graft bone chips” and “graft bone blocks”  are completely dried and frozen for long-lasting and safe use.


Gama Sterilizasyonu

Allografts whose lyophilization stage has been completed, are carefully weighed and bottled in biosafety cabinets with air flow control. Bottled Atident grafts are vacuumed and boxed in aluminum foil packages. Then, the last safety phase, GAMA STERILIZATION, is performed with Turkey’s most advanced gamma sterilization system. Sterile packaged Atident human bone grafts are made ready for use in the safest way, eliminating the risks of viral / bacterial / fungal contamination.


atident gama sterilzasyon

* After gamma sterilization, the orange color of the control label changes to red, indicating that contamination is prevented.

Certificates & Accreditations

High Quality Lab

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Unmatched Expertise

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Precise Result

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Qualified Staff

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